What Is Brilliant Distinctions Program?

Brilliant Distinctions is a rewards program for all Allergan products, including Botox, Juvederm and Latisse. Two hundred points are issued for each product received at your appointment with Dr. Beaty. These points are redeemable for savings on future treatments!

How Do I Register?

  1. Go to http://miltonhallplasticsurgery.com
  2. Complete the online registration form and click “Finish”
  3. You will be taken to the Brilliant Distinctions Program homepage. Here, you can update your personal information, select Dr. Beaty as your preferred physician, and view your program activity.

How Do I Access the Points Homepage?

  1. Go to http://www.BrilliantDistinctionsProgram.com
  2. Login with your email and password
  3. Click on “Activity Overview”

How Do I Deposit Points?

  1. After your appointment, log in to your Brilliant Distinctions homepage
  2. Your un-deposited points will be displayed on your program homepage
  3. Click “Deposit” for all points to be banked into your account